Teach, create and involve- Lazarillo de Tormes

As every year, the students of the first and second of the Vocational Course –(Multi-platform Applications Development, DAM) in one of its modules, they have a mandatory practice that must be overcome to get the evaluation. Vocational training is focused on hands-on learning and over a series of software programming.

To empower motivation and avoid the feeling of doing always the same exercises, every year it is proposed new challenging activities. This year taking advantage of the theme of the Literature Fair (“Lazarillo de Tormes”), working all the educational levels of the school, it has been the chosen topic of the applications.


In addition, to distinguish from a normal class exercise, we have involved other educational levels, getting other personal goals: how to improve teamwork, oratory, working with unknown people, partnership. Even the timidest pupils were able to contribute to the final project.


Basically, the students of 1º of DAM have developed a small prototype of a website, which has helped them to settle their knowledge in languages HTML and CSS.  The 2nd DAM students have created versions of the famous “Alphabetical” and “Memorion” games to finish learning the JAVA programming language.


On the other hand, 4thsecondary graders have helped with their explanations to remind the vocational students, details, and curiosities of the Lazarillo de Tormes. Even some of them have given ideas for websites.  Finally, the secondary students translated the information into English, to make sure that all the members of the #FUNTASTIC project can enjoy these experiences.


If you want to see some of the pictures of students at different stages working together, you have these links from our social networks:






If you want to see the websites made by the students, or if you would like to play them, you will click on the links above. Clinking on the links where you can download the executable file.

Are you capable of overcoming all the games? All of them have something secret… are you in?


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Below, you can view some websites created. Remember that a month ago the students did not know anything, and they have not used any tools. In a month, they have programmed every line of code:




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